Friday, February 10, 2012

You Are NOT Anonymous

In the public imagination, a hacker is a pale teenaged boy with Aspergers, huddled over a computer in his bedroom at his mom's house. This is all true of 19-year-old British hacking suspect Ryan Cleary! But he also has a girlfriend who also is on medication.

A judge just denied Cleary's request to see his girlfriend, 19-year-old Amy Chapman, without his mom present. (One question: Does Amy happen to be a really hot Hungarian whom Cleary met at summer camp but nobody's ever seen?) No, alas, she is a fellow zit farm infatuated with her "Anonymous" super hero. The problem is, Ryan sits on his ass yelling for more Doritos and soda pop.

By all accounts Cleary seems a bit of a turn off. Cleary is an Aspergers sufferer who rarely left his room in his mom's house, a beige, computer-laden box that could have been featured in a Matrix movie. He's been under house arrest since June, when he was arrested and accused of being a key member of the hacking group Lulz Security, which attacked the CIA, Sony, and Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency this spring. And he wore an all-sweats outfit to his first trial date.

But, it's becoming increasingly clear that chicks actually dig the hacker type. Sleazy whistle-blower Julian Assange is reportedly "hunted" by Eastern European groupies. The hacktivist collective Anonymous has their own naked groupies. When LulzSec spokesman Jake Davis aka Topiary was arrested and showed up to his court date in wraparound shades toting a science book, Twitter exploded with "aw, he's cute."

Super hacker Jake Davis with mom in tow, is not much more than a kid. These young people and 30 + basement dwellers have no concept of reality. There is NOTHING Anonymous on the Internet, just ask any child molester or kiddie porn producer. They use a myriad of incription and "servers" to leap about from. Yet, NOTHING is Anonymous.

The hacker-as-sex-symbol has arrived, gloriously disheveled, his sweatpants smelling faintly of cheese. Couple this with their lack of true knowledge and their proclivity for "super hero" fantasies and you have a recipe for disaster.

Israeli intelligence actually feels sorry for these kids, but adults, they show no mercy. The Israeli's turn over "kids" or "mentally defective" young people over to their own nations authorities. Hackers are very good at using code and such things but they have no true clue how computers and the internet work. If they did know, they would shut down their computers and run like their asses were on fire.

The Israeli's who are the "worlds" best at computers, keep their "secrets" closely guarded and to date none of them have been revealed. When hackers brag they "hacked" MOSSAD or CIA or others, what they don't realize is, the websites are designed to draw them in, right down to the colors on the screen. It's psychological warfare on an electronic level.

These kids also do not realize that, yes, they can hack and get credit card numbers from banking systems but there will be a knock at the door once all their contacts are logged. It's always been a trap. The continuous arrest of hackers does not deter them. They don't operate on logic, they operate on emotion and fantasy. Warning shots have been fired across their bow and they don't seem to be heeding it.

Now is the time soon coming that the gloves will come off. This will get their attention. Hard time in prison and a lifetime ban from the internet will eventually break them. The reason they need to be "taught" a lesson is, there are governments and people who will kill you if you "hack" their secrets and will spare no expense in accomplishing the deaths of these hackers. It happens every day, just ask the Russians or Chinese who will send the "Reaper" for you.

I cannot warn young people strongly enough. Stop while you still can.

The Israeli's use a "facade" website, that gives no access to the Intelligence Services. What these hackers have done is merely hacked an advertisement or a "Facebook" type page if you will. And those sites are set up as "traps" that these young zit farms can't resist. They simply can't resists and to their own peril.

Israeli Intelligence will allow you to "hack" for months as they develop a "profile" on you. Both electronic and psychological. They can stop you at any time. They choose not to. It's important to determine if the hacker is a vulnerable young person who is operating off emotion. If not, then look out. Hell is coming to breakfast. Terrorist hackers no matter what age will be shown no mercy but the Israeli's do have a heart in the core of their Intelligence Sector. The young hackers better get on their knees and thank G-d for that.

You've been warned. You are NOT Anonymous, just stupid. Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is terminal.

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