Our ancestors could not have survived a single day in their hostile environment full of predators and enemies if they did not possess functional common sense. That’s why it has become integral part of natural human nature in the form of inherint psychological mechanisms in the social and interpersonal domains. Because common sense is naturally familiar to sane self aware humans and thus a part of our psyche, the Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent people may be less likely to resort to it. They may be more likely to resort to evolutionarily novel, non-common nonsensical, stupid ideas to solve problems in their so called evolutionarily familiar domains.
This, incidentally, is the reason I never use words like “smart” and “clever” as synonyms for “intelligent.” Similarly, I never use words like “dumb” and “stupid” as synonyms for “unintelligent.” “Intelligent” has a specific scientific meaning – possessing higher levels of general intelligence – whereas “smart” and “stupid” have more to do with common sense than intelligence. From my perspective, more intelligent people like liberals think they are, it is scientific fact they are more likely to be “stupid” (lacking common sense), whereas less intelligent people like conservatives are more likely to be “smart.”
It is the full intention of morons like Shrillary Rotten Clinton and Barack Osama-bama to take everything in the possession of the wealthy and just start handing it over to lazy, worthless, unproductive, leeches in America.
And college professors backing this stupidity every step of the way. University of Connecticut sociology professor Susan Eisenhandler told the Associated Press, "Do you actually need to have that amount of space to live a good life? There are homeless people. There are impoverished people. There are serious social concerns, and we're not addressing that."
Hold on while someone shuts off the "stupid moron" alarm. CLICK!
It is people like Clinton, Obama and Pelosi, who are the ruination of America. The bleeding heart liberal bullshit is getting so deep that it's getting harder and harder to accomplish anything in America anymore. Poverty is a choice, "professors" and it's time you learn that. No doubt you, professors, are living in a two-story Colonial-style house somewhere near an ubran Mecca and you drive a Lexus SUV with leather interior to work wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Coach handbag. Your husbands or wives probably has a BMW 5-series sedan also with leather interior that they drives to their cushy job in Manhattan or some other "posh" liberal enclave. Yet I don't see you opening your home to the homeless and impoverished people of America. No I see you manufacturing more of them. As Sean Hannity would say, "Professors, you're all hypocrite!" And as I would say, "Shut your flithy pie hole!"
In what nation was the airplane invented? In what nation was the automobile perfected? In what nation was the vaccine for polio discovered? In what nation was penicillin discovered? In what nation was the light bulb invented? In what nation was the telephone invented? In what nation was the Internet established?
The answer to all of those questions is The United States of America. Not Russia, not China, not Japan, not India, not any nation in Europe. The United States of America. Has it ever occurred to anyone that the industrial revolution only happened in the last 230 years because of the innovation that was allowed to reign freely in the United States? Without that kind of freedom, we would still be riding horses, writing with quill pens and inkwells, burning candles for light, chopping wood with an axe and all dying by the age of 40 from diseases that have no cure.
It is because of the free-enterprise system of America that the entire world is a better place. Stupid liberals don't want to believe that because they are invested in the total and unilateral defeat of America on all fronts: military, social and economic. They will not rest until the United States is the same desolate, hopeless, rundown, bankrupt nation that was once the Soviet Union and East Germany. When that happens then everyone will be homeless and impoverished. That must be what stupid liberal Democrats really want.

Stupid liberals;
...believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
...believe the government will do a better job of spending the money they earn than they would.
...believe Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it. See fags and Muzzies.
...are way too irresponsible to own a gun, and think that the local police are all they need to protect them from murderers and thieves.
...believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
...believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe "tards" who would never get their agendas past the voters in the first place.
Q: Who said, "Many of you are well enough off that...the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good"?
Answer: Sen. Hillary Clinton, idiot extraordinaire!
Q: Who said, "I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me"?
A: Jimmy "Hitler" Carter
Even liberals who've accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common sense and instinctively suicidal that America can only survive over the long haul by thwarting the liberal agenda. In fact, liberalism has become such a toxic and poisonous philosophy that most liberals wouldn't behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy the country. So, how does liberalism cause well-meaning, intelligent liberals to get this way? Well, it starts with...
1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs. Yet they whine, "open your mind to other possibilities"?
2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals. Again, "embrace diversity and open your minds to other possibilities?" Bull shit defined.
3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Head-start, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it. "Liberals want to utilize Kindergarten to "indoctrinate" kids to the "gay" love that dare not speaks its name. Yes, gentle readers, Man/Boy love and Woman/Girl love. Well folks. It's not love, it's Bull shit Pedophilia disguised as "tolerance". Kid can't tie their shoes or say their ABC's but they are well versed and oral and anal sex. Liberal's just can't figure out why "conservatives" are so "Homo-phobic".
4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it totally escapes them. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default.
5) Liberals tend to view people as parts of groups, not individuals. One of the prejudices of liberalism is that they see everyone as part of a group, not as an individual. This can lead to rather bizarre disparities when say, a man from a group that they consider to be powerless, impoverished victims becomes the leader of the free world -- and he's challenged by a group of lower middle class white people who've banded together because individually they're powerless. If you listen to the liberal rhetoric, you might think Barack Obama was a black Republican being surrounded by a KKK lynching party 100 years ago -- as opposed to the single most powerful man in America abusing the authority of his office to attack ordinary Tea Partiers who have the audacity to speak the truth to power for the good of their country. Then the liberals toss in Ron Paul into the mix to "self fulfill their prophecy that the Tea Part are Nazi's, like Ron Paul." Wrong Paul was a democrat, an independent, a republican, then a "libertarian" and now he's back to "republican" just to jack up the Republican Primary. I can't wait until Herr Paul returns to his beloved Jew hating liberal base that supports him.
6) Liberals take a dim view of personal responsibility. Who's at fault if a criminal commits a crime? The criminal or society? If someone creates a business and becomes a millionaire, is that the result of hard work and talent or luck? If you're dirt poor, starving, and haven't worked in 5 years, is that a personal failing or a failure of the state? Conservatives would tend to say the former in each case, while liberals would tend to say the latter. But when you disconnect what an individual does from the results that happen in his life, it's very difficult to understand cause and effect in people's lives.
7) Liberals give themselves far too much credit just for being liberal. To many liberals, all one needs to do to be wise, intelligent, compassionate, open minded, and sensitive is to BE LIBERAL. In other words, many of the good things about a person spring not from his actions, but from the ideology he holds. This has an obvious appeal. You can be a diehard misogynist, but plausibly call yourself a feminist, hate blacks, but accuse others of racism, have a sub-par IQ and be an intellectual, give nothing to charity and be compassionate, etc., etc., and all you have to do is call yourself a liberal. It's a shortcut to virtue much like the corrupt old idea of religious indulgences. Why live a life of virtue when you could live a sinful life and buy your way into heaven? If you're a liberal, why actually live a life of virtue when you can merely call yourself a liberal and get credit for being virtuous, even when you've done nothing to earn it?
Hitler was a liberal, he rose to power on the "Liberal Platform" advancing with homosexuals in lock step then when he gained power, he showed his true liberal colors. He revealed he was a narcissistic, cruel, hateful, delusional, idiotic, dumb ass. Just like all liberals are.

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