Friday, January 27, 2012

This is what a G-d cursed sodomite looks like. He looks just Like Irza Nawi, Iranian pervert.

David "McDouche" Norris Irish Senator Labor Party

Izra Iizhak Nawi

Izra Nawi is a dedicated and cowardly left wing human rights activist and sexual abuser of a 15 year old Arab boy. He is also a pacifist, gay and comes from an Iraqi family. The limp wristed Nancy-Man Nawi is a hero of the "I hate Jews Movement" served less than three months in an Israeli jail because he committed the offense in the Palestinian Occupied territories and under PA law you can diddle a little boy as the age of consent is whatever they feel like it is at the moment. He was deported after being released and is continuing his fight to disrobe young boys in Ireland and other locals.

Izra Nawi, a former "Afghan/Iran Stock Trader" used to deal in the commodity of "Hairless Boys" until the Taliban lost power and the Market crashed. The Bacha Bazi market made a resounding comeback after the New Afghan government was formed. Boy are being bought and sold at record highs. Gays cheer!

Meanwhile Back At The Rainbow Shamrock Pub and Bath House

DUBLIN, IRELAND -- The independent Senator who represents Trinity District in Ireland's parliament, the Seanad Éireann, garnered the support of the Irish capital city's town council Tuesday evening to secure his nomination as a presidential candidate, entering a race already occupied by six other candidates.
David Norris had withdrawn from the presidential campaign in August when it had been disclosed that he had written letters requesting clemency for a former partner, Ezra Iizhak Nawi. Nawi, an Israeli immigrant citizen, had been convicted of raping a 15 year old Palestinian male youth.

Norris had an almost 30-year relationship with Izra Iizhak Nawi and the pair remained together for four years after Nawi was convicted in 1997 of statutory rape. They parted company [because Izra refused to share his "bounty of boy booty"] (sarcasm inserted)or some other nefarious reason.

After his withdrawal, the Senator had received a “consistent outpouring of gay public support," which led him to reconsider accepting nomination. Speaking with reporters, he said he was “absolutely thrilled” at the news.

“If I can make this kind of comeback I hope to God as president I’ll be able to help the country make the kind of comeback that it and its people deserve.” [I tell you what the people deserve, they deserve whatever G-d puts on them for the filth they wallow in as a cold blooded and selfish bunch of bastards.] These guys should open up an Irish Gay Pub and call it "McBigots" the Jew hating bastards.
Why do you hate Jews Mic? Won't let you near their kids?

In a brief interview with an Irish Times reporter this morning regarding the controversial clemency letters and his decision to not release them, Norris said he had been advised by his legal team not to publish the documents.

"I am absolutely restricted by questions of privacy,” he said. "I understand people's interest but I've been told by my lawyers that these letters are subject to professional legal privilege and I've been told I cannot publish them.

Click on the letter, then right click "show image" to enlarge it.

Mr Norris added he did not think there was anything in the unpublished letters that could cause him embarrassment. However, he apologized for anyone who may have been upset by the contents of the documents. [Oh no? Your "sex partner sodomizing boys isn't embarrassing? What the hell does it take to embarrass you?]

Oh yes, the "Open" Society types don't want their dirty little secrets out now do they? What a complete and utter collection of douche bags these fags are. Yes, support came pouring in from every warped minded piece of Irish scum you can imagine. I'd say NAMBLA and a butt load [pun] of Catholic Priest were in support as well.

The bedouine kids life is hard enough without the "Peace Activist" making this worse with anal sodomy. Now you know why all these leftist keep pouring into Gaza and other Arab countries. I ask the faggots these question. "Where is the human rights for these boys? Don't they have the "human right" to NOT have you sodomize them?" Foul and disgusting hypocrites!

Senator David Norris of Ireland, Nawi's lover writes:

"Can I say from the bottom of my heart that I know that every time these issues arise they cause pain to the victims and I want to apologize humbly to anybody to whom I have caused pain," he said. "It was a sad and horrible case and I was shocked and appalled by it." (Yeah right)

Mr Norris said he “abhorred abuse of children with every fiber of his being” and has worked with survivor groups in the past. (Unless it's a bedouine boy rented out by Hamas)

The vote will take place on October 27th and Mr Norris is up against Labour’s Michael D Higgins, Fine Gael’s Gay Mitchell, Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness and independent candidates Dana Rosemary Scallon, Mary Davis and Sean Gallagher.

If elected, Senator Norris will become the world’s second openly gay head of state who has a boyfriend that rapes little boys.

What the hell Ireland?

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